How to Fix DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required to Run the Engine Now that you know more about this error, chances are that you want to get fixed it right away. As a result, there is no straight forward fix for this issue on any Windows 10 PC. The build seems to work great, but I can't get the game to run because I get the following error before it can start: DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine Apart from that, corrupted Windows system files can also be behind this issue on your computer. Click on it and select the Uninstall button.

Select Apps & features from the left pane and locate the targeted application in the right side of the window. Inside the Settings window, click on Apps. I recently built a starter-level gaming computer out of some old parts I had lying around for a younger relative of mine who likes to play Fortnite. Here is how you can reinstall Vanguard: Press Windows + I keys simultaneously on your keyboard to open Windows Settings.